Easy Tree/Shrub Combos
Trees don’t like to be alone! Give them some companions and provide nesting sites for birds at all levels. For best results, plant them at around the same time so they can grow up together and interlock their roots. One tall tree and a couple each of understory trees and shrubs would be ideal. Add a native groundcover to protect them from lawnmowers.
(Learn about ‘mini-forests’ on this page.)
Winter Interest
Tall tree - American Holly or Sycamore
Understory tree - Green Hawthorn, River Birch, Eastern Redbud
Shrub - Winterberry, Smooth Hydrangea
Groundcover - Woodland Phlox
Small space combo: Green Hawthorn, Winterberry
Birding Bonanza
Tall tree - White Oak, Mockernut Hickory
Understory tree - Eastern Redbud or Flowering Dogwood
Shrub - Arrowwood Viburnum (two needed for berries), Pinxter Azalea
Groundcover - Wild Strawberry
Small space combo: Eastern Redbud, Maple-leaf Viburnum

Empty lawns
Almost any native canopy tree will do well in a typical lawn, assuming it’s not soggy wet.

Fall color
Tall tree - Black Gum or Shumard Oak
Understory Tree - Sassafras or Winged Sumac
Shrub - Red Chokeberry, Black Chokeberry
Groundcover - Hay-scented fern
Small space combo: Sassafras, Maple-leaf Viburnum
Wet areas
Tall tree - Sweetgum, Red Maple, River Birch
Understory tree: American Hornbeam, Sweetbay Magnolia
Shrub - Silky Dogwood, Smooth Hydrangea
Groundcover - Rosy Sedge, Golden Ragwort
Small space combo: Common Witch Hazel, Virginia Sweetspire

Area already in full shade (2 hours or less direct sun per day)
Tall tree - American Beech, Black Gum, American Holly, Red Maple
Understory tree - Bladdernut, Paw Paw
Shrub - Witch Hazel, Mapleleaf Viburnum
Groundcover - Eastern Star Sedge
Small space combo - Bladdernut, Mapleleaf Viburnum
Special situations
Adjacent to woods
Tall tree - Virginia Pine, Eastern Red Cedar
Understory tree - Sassafras, Paw Paw
Shrub - Possumhaw Viburnum, Ninebark
Groundcover - Wild Geranium
Small space combo: Eastern Redbud, Ninebark
Near streams and ponds
Tall tree - River Birch, American Persimmon
Understory tree - American Hornbeam, Sweetbay Magnolia
Shrub - Spicebush, Winterberry
Groundcover - Golden Ragwort, White Turtlehead
Small space combo - Sweetbay Magnolia, Winterberry

Tall Tree - Eastern Red Cedar or American Holly
Understory tree - Sweetbay Magnolia
Shrub - Southern Bayberry, Rosebay Rhododendron
Groundcover - Christmas Fern, Marginal Woodfern
Small space combo - Sweetbay Magnolia, Southern Bayberry

Urban conditions - compacted soil, pollution and road salt (but only within reason! Truly harsh conditions may require other choices)
Tall tree - Swamp White Oak, Red Oak
Understory tree - Fringe Tree or Serviceberry
Shrub - New Jersey Tea, Common Witch Hazel
Groundcover - Common Wood Sedge
Small space combo - Serviceberry, Shrubby St. John’s Wort