Campaign materials
We have ordered large stocks of these materials and are eager to distribute them! Let's plaster these all over Northern Virginia.
If you need quantities to give away at events, please fill out this form and we'll arrange for you to get them.
Or course, they are not really "free" - funds for them came from donations from generous people. Please consider donating to the campaign to defray the costs or materials and other marketing expenses. All the labor for the campaign is from volunteers such as yourselves.
Stickers and brochures
If you are in Northern Virginia, one of our volunteers will mail them to you from their home.
Fill out this form.

3" stickers

3" stickers
Stickers are a little pricey, so please try to give them to people who know they have a place to display them. For example, you could have them sign their first name to this sign as a little commitment then post it on social media.
Packet of Plant NOVA Natives brochures
(You may also print the Plant This, Not That brochure on your own)
Do you live outside our Northern Virginia boundaries? You can print this version of the Rescue Trees brochure yourself - same info minus our logo - with our without print guidelines.
Tree Rescuer door hangers (sign up on this page to have those mailed to you)
We will order these for you to pick up at your nearest Staples or Office Depot.
Fill out this form
Native Plants for Northern Virginia guide
Order online, or pickup locations in each county. Big discount when picking up 10 or more.
Order your own bling
If you would just like some stuff for you or for gifts and not for distributing, check out our CafePress store.
(Prices for the exact same items are sometimes lower using this link.)